Fitsblink home page

Fitsblink is a program for analysis of astronomical images, especially of asteroids and comets. It has the following features:

This program was developed and tested under the LINUX operating system. It uses X11 graphics. For compilation you also need the CFITSIO library for reading FITS files and the XFORMS library for graphical user interface.

There is some other astronomy-related software available. Fitsblink development started as a help tool in a scope of TASS project, and continued for the needs of the asteroid and comet observation program, which is ongoing at the Crni Vrh Observatory. It is an essential part of the completely automatic data reduction pipeline which found 9 asteroids with new designations on two nights in January 1999.

The latest stable, documented version of Fitsblink is 3.13 (19-Sep-1999).


To download, press the right mouse button on link and choose Save Link As.

Fitsblink 3.13 Linux binary linked with static libraries, example images and documentation in RPM format (1979293 bytes)

Fitsblink sources, example images and documentation (1495590 bytes)

Binary experimental version 3.198, released on July 21, 2002 (5266206 bytes). It has the following new features:

Sources for version 3.1981 (4781782 bytes), also experimental and incomplete.

Binary experimental version 3.198, in Debian package format (5261702 bytes), prepared by Jure Zakrajsek (release 11 July 2003).

The manual of fitsblink 3.198 is incomplete. Install this version using command

rpm -i --nodeps fitsblink-3.198-1.i686.rpm

You can take a look at the README and CHANGES files.

Binary experimental version 3.64. This is executable only. Probably last release ever, no support offered. Try at your responsibility. You need to do chmod +x on this file.

Read the documentation online.

How does fcompress affect photometry of stars in Mark III images?

Analysis of astrometry in astrometric reference fields with different catalogs.

Please send comments, questions and bug reports to Jure Skvarc.